Thursday, December 13, 2012

C++ TUTORIAL FOR BEGINNERS: How to capture the system date and time and display them in useful common format

Source code:

PROGRAM: Capturing the System date and time in business & military format using C++ language
AUTHOR: eternaltreasures
DATE: 2010 September 26

#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;

int main()

Option 1: Capturing the system date using the time () function
ctime format is DayOfTheWeek Month Day Hour:Minute:Seconds Year

time_t systemtime;

cout << endl;
cout << "System date and time is: " << ctime(&systemtime);
cout << endl;   
Option 2: Capturing the system date and time using strdate, strtime
System date format mm/dd/yy (month/day/year)
System time format hh/mm/ss (hour:minute:seconds)

char sysdate[9];
char systime[9];


cout << "System time: " << systime << endl;
cout << "System date: " << sysdate << endl;

return 0;

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